World Artist Vacation Extrvaganza
24TH, 25TH, 26TH SEPTEMBER 2024
W.A.V.E is the last festival on your summer agenda. But unlike any other festivals, this one is for resting. Yes, you read right! No 11 o’clock show on Sundays or contracts that bind you! Some people describe the event with words gathering/convention/vacation. But we’re not big on labelling so we send invitations out for this party and the people who take the opportunity to come, will make it what it is! So put on your vacation gear, pack a party dress (or pants if you prefer), buy your tickets and come share your vibe! The party is for artists and their friends! So don’t be shy if you can’t juggle 7 balls, play violin like a king or jump saltos, you are invited if you have an opened mind and need some beach time. The festival starts on 24th of September and ends on 26th (3 nights), which means arrive on 23rd so you are ready for surfing, paddle boarding, volleyball and relaxing at the beach which starts on 24th morning, in the afternoon we move to the "SEDE", a new creative warehouse in the heart of the city Ovar/Portugal.
- The night of the 24th there will be shows and music made by some performer to give you some live entertainment.
- The night of the 25th there will be open Circus Renegade. This is where you can showcase new things your working on or just to be creative with friends and try new fun things, this night tends to be the funniest night especially after a few drinks.
- The afternoon of the 26th there will be a BBQ.
The after party from every night will be held at the youth hostel (which is the place we recommend you staying/sleeping).
We have food options for all 3 nights, Breakfast will be included in your stay and there will be bar food options for lunch.
23rd September
- Day / Arrival
6pm - Night / Meet and Greet, @ Youth Hostel
24th September
- Day / Surf Lessons, Paddle Boarding, Volleyball, Beach time
6pm - Night / Main Party Night @ SEDE
25th September
- Day / Surf Lessons, Paddle Boarding, Volleyball, Beach time
6pm - Night / Circus Renegade Party @ SEDE
26th September
3pm - Afternoon BBQ & Drinks @ SEDE or Youth Hostel
27th September
11am - Check out & Travel home​